quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Carmen Miranda

Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha, better known as Carmen Miranda, was a singer and Luso-Brazilian. His artistic career spent in Brazil and the United States between the 1930s and 1950s. He worked in radio, vaudeville theater, film and television.

Carmen was the first multimedia artist from Brazil. Talented, not only sang, danced and acted, but I knew intuitively move with ease through what would become the cultural industry.

Unique to the movement of the hands and hips and rolling green eyes, a stylized Bahia, with trinkets, her mouth painted red, always smiling and as imitated, loved and parodied in every corner of the world.

When Carmen Miranda in 1939, embarked in Rio de Janeiro and arrived at the port of New York, was a distinguished unknown to the American public. It took him but a month to win the World Fair, Broadway and extraordinary popularity. Then came the invitation from the movies.

"His personality was very strong, but not moody. Extremely outgoing always told stories and acted the same time. It was all very spontaneous but she never took this natural talent."
- David Sebastian

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