sábado, 19 de novembro de 2011

Thanksgiving day

The Day of Thanksgiving stands out in the holidays because it can be celebrated by just about everyone. He is not tied to a specific religion and people can celebrate it the way you want. The only essential traditions are to a meal with friends or family and give thanks for what you have. In the world of holidays, Thanksgiving Day is the most simple and pure as possible.

It is the day observed as "a day of thanksgiving" to God for the good events (the harvest) during the year. On this day, people give thanks with feasting and family prayer. Most people celebrate the day after Thanksgiving gathering with family and friends to a traditional banquet.

One curiosity: one of the most important symbols of Thanksgiving Day, the cornucopia, actually dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The term (generally describing a horn-shaped vase with fruits, flowers and other goodies) comes from the Latin cornu copy, which literally means "horn of plenty." In Greek mythology, the cornucopia is a goat's horn, was cursed by Zeus to produce an infinite amount of whatever the owner desires.

The Thanksgiving Day today has its origins in U.S. history.

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